Set against the clean architectural form of this contemporary Mediterranean villa, restrained planting migrates from a refined Tuscan plant palette on arrival to endemic planting selection native to the riverside habitat.
Inspired by Italian travels our clients were keen to include a mature olive tree (Olea Europea) as a central focus on arrival in the entry court. The intention is to prune this tree using a technique called pollarding which promotes the growth of a dense head of foliage and branches, a practise dating back to ancient Rome. Flanking this area, we included a mature hedge of Bay Laurel (Lauris Nobilus) and classic under plantings of Lavender (Lavandula dentata) and Buxus Spheres (Buxus japonica).
A selection of antique urns add an established feeling to the contemporary simplicity while climbing Wisteria (Wisteria Sinensis) softens recycled timber pergolas and provide shade along the north west perimeter.
In the central living courtyard, a stunning Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstromea Indica) presides over a simple area of lawn and provides additional shade to the exterior kitchen and alfresco.
Two small internal courtyards feature a Lemon (Citrus Limon) and Tahitian Lime (Citrus Latifolia) respectively, adding an ambience to the central corridor that leads through to the main living spaces.
Looking out from the rear balcony the planting is massed in controlled swathes of natives. The primary specimen is a Jarrah tree (Eucalyptus Marginata) that will grow to tower against the multi-level rear elevation providing scale and grounding the architecture to its surroundings.
A combination of Salt water Paperbarks (Malaleuca Cuticularis) and Banksia (Banksia Menziesii) compliment this gentle giant and the surrounding habitat.