Celebrating Women In Landscaping

March 8th is international women’s day, and in honor of this annual observance, we’re taking a moment to appreciate and discuss the roles of women in landscaping. TDL’s team spans all landscape specialisations, providing commercial and residential design, construction, and maintenance. Women continue to represent a deeply skewed minority in the construction industry, representing only 10-15% of the workforce, this …

A commercial landscape design of a public park

Designing Better Public Spaces

When people visit public spaces in a town or city, we automatically form an impression of the identity of that place, and whether or not we want to come back. When public space is poorly designed, it feels unsafe and alienating. People are unlikely to return to or think well of poor public spaces, crimes occur more often, and an …

TDL plant procurement officer Marsha Wulf

Plant Supply in 2020 – the Year of the Plant

2020 – The Year of the Plant In 2019, the United Nations named 2020 the International Year of Plant Health, and as we look back on 2020, it’s turned out to be a downright prescient choice. 2020 was a shockingly huge year in horticulture. Plant sales rose substantially since the start of 2020, and nurseries struggled to keep stock of …

A landscape designer at work.

Being a Landscape Designer

Have an interest in Landscape Design ? Tim chats to the Career Centre and gives you a bit of an insight into a day in the life of a Landscape Designer.  

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A guide to mulching

TDL speaks to Garden Gurus and explains the importance of mulching.  

Novotel Ningaloo Resort – Our award for Environmental Excellence

TDL wins the Australian Landscape Industries Association’s 2009  for our work on the Novotel Ningaloo Resort. The Awards for Excellence were announced in Adelaide. In a media statement the President of the Landscape Industries Association of WA, Tim Richards said: “TDL designed and constructed a landscape that captured the unique character of North West Australia. At the time of commissioning in …